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"We´re all on a ship together, sailing the ocean of life. It´s a relation-ship and there´s literally no way to avoid that."

Healthy and empowered relationships are a source of immense happiness and fulfilment. However there is a journey to be made. A journey of mutual growth, transitions and changes which has its joys, challenges, problems and rewards. It's definitely worth it!

Couples Counselling provides a protected and confidential space...

  • where you can speak and feel heard in your concerns about your relationship

  • in which you are invited to listen and feel listened to

  • where you can co-creatively find ways to enhance your understanding of each other

  • to support you to identify and to interrupt the patterns of action and reaction which sabotage the relationship you want to have

  • which invites you to find out what you really want as a couple and how to manifest it in your everyday life.

  • where you can discover ways to bring new life and vitality to your relationship

  • in which you can mediate a meaningful re-negotiation of your identity as individuals and as a couple

As counsellor I provide...

  • an all-partial empathetic attitude which validates individual positions

  • an outside perspective which isn't entangled in the problem

  • a versatile toolbox to understand, interrupt and resolve problem stabilizing, repetitive patterns

  • a framework to enter resourceful, empowered and authentic communication

  • a context where you can try out these new forms of communication and receive honest feedback

  • and more…

When we start a relationship, first of all we bring in ourselves as we are, with all our wishes, needs, beliefs and maybe apprehensions.

Also, we bring in what we have learned about what we think what a relationship is, how it works or should work (which has a lot to do with the values we learn through our own family of origin), how we see the other and what our plans for a joint future could bring. Quite understandably we think that we´re right and so does our partner. Actually both are equally right and both viewpoints are valid. However, in order to move towards commitment, true intimacy and purpose we also need to renounce some of what we bring into the relationship from our past. In this process of surrender we become a couple and through this process we give birth to something new and very exciting: the germ of an empowered relationship.


  • Is it time to revive your marriage?

  • Would you like to rejuvenate your love?

  • Are you looking for ways to renew and celebrate your bond?

  • Would you like to heal old wounds to move forward together in a brighter shared future?

  • Would you like to clarify if your marriage still has enough substance to stand the test of time?

Marriage counselling is a special form of relationship and couples counselling which takes into account that marriage is a form of relationship in which the partners have committed to each other in “a bond for life”.
In the ancient science of Yoga some old texts speak of marriage as the highest form of Yoga. And indeed marriage can be seen as a great investment in our life’s potential growing happiness. As challenging as it might be from time to time, marriage also holds most precious treasures which come with long term committed relationships which share pleasure, engagement and purpose.


Clarifying our family relationships holds great potential for the positive shaping of our future lives.

Normally our family is our first harbour from which we start to sail the ocean of life and in many ways the relationships we find in our family serve as a blueprint for later relationships we establish as we grow older. It is up to us to choose to complain about this, fight it, feel like victims, turn away in anger or to engage on a journey in which we might discover all the treasures which our family offers us, even if it’s hard to imagine in the beginning how this should ever work.

Systemic Family Constellation Therapy provides a cutting edge approach through which it is possible to bring light into hidden family entanglements and turn problems into resources. In fact, the deeper dynamics of couples and marital problems can often not entirely be understood and resolved without zooming-out and taking a look at our individual family of origin and how our lives are interwoven with theirs. Constellation Therapy is a very empowering approach which can help us to experience our family as an empowered ground from which we blossom individually into our everyday life and become fully available for the relationships we want to have.

The borders between individual, couples and Constellation Therapy are blurry. In the context of couples therapy we often we use a blend of different approaches to suit your particular needs. There is also the option to participate in one of the group workshops. The results can be later integrated in individual and /or couples sessions.

For more information on Systemic Family Constellation click here!